Idaho Parents for Educational Choice

...when parents (rightfully) make
the decision for their children's
individual educational needs,
great things happen, for everyone...
"It's safe to say that not too long ago, many parents considered Idaho public schools and community libraries to be 'safe places' for children. For a long time, parents blissfully assumed that schools and libraries worked to impart critical thinking, robust civic engagement, and traditional community values.
But this perception has been eroding and changing in recent years, largely due to heated debates over the place that critical social justice and radical gender ideologies should hold in public school instruction and materials."
Blaine Conzatti, President/Author
Idaho Family Policy Center
"Pornography in Public Schools and Libraries"


See the "Parents Against Bad Books Program Updates of
September 29, 2023, and August 24, 2023", below,
to view the history, events, parent-involvement activities, as well as
future, planned activities for the group:
Are you a concerned parent who needs help making
informed decisions about proper books for your children?
Visit the below Utah Parents United and BookLooks.org websites
and see how these concerned, parent-led groupS can help!

Are you a concerned parent who needs to know what public library reviewing source is now recommended by the American Library Association (ALA),
and to which most public libraries in the U.S. prescribe:
The "New York Times Book Review" organization.
Yes, the same organization from which emanated the 1619 Project, where two "New York Times " reporters challenged the idea that American history began with the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. They, therefore, "alleged" that the United States was founded in 1619, not 1776!
A viable reviewing source for our kids' books?
We parents think NOT!

Availability of Obscene Books in Idaho
...more than 50 public schools and community libraries across the state
currently make obscene materials available to minor children...
According to Idaho Family Policy Center, the increased scrutiny of schools and libraries has revealed other problems, as well, most notably the availability of obscene books and instructional materials to minor children.
Researchers from Idaho Family Policy Center scoured dozens of school and public library catalogues throughout the State of Idaho, looking for five (5) commonly available titles that fall under the umbrella of "obscene" for children and teenagers.
The result?
The "Pornography in Public Schools and Libraries,
a statewide problem..."
Report was produced, see below.

After reading the aforementioned Report, Parents Against Bad Books (PABB), an offshoot of
Idaho Parents for Educational Choice,
found all five books, the essence of the Report, were located in the
Idaho Falls Public Library (IFPL).
After meeting with the IFPL Board of Trustees during four of their summer Board meetings to address this issue, Parents Against Bad Books heard the following from the Board:
"You can't protect the kids from everything."
Most of these books have been in the public libraries for years."
"Our solution would have to be to eliminate high-school kids from a good portion of the Library."
"This (pornography) is the same as minors watching the castration of pigs/cattle, World War I/World War II photos, as well as the Renaissance paintings."
"Parents just don't parent anymore; parents should do their jobs."
To which representatives from Parents Against Bad Books replied, "These books are not the natural castration of animals; they are not a graphic view of what was, ultimately, the freedoms bestowed upon us by war-time conflicts; they are not a classical/cultural European artistic enlightenment/learning period. They are the raw and explicit display of sexual organs and/or activity, intended to stimulate erotic, rather than aesthetic, feelings.

These books should be relocated to a safe place in the Library.
Is that too much to ask?!
Further Investigations Continue
Further investigations have shown at least 53 sexually-explicit and/or inappropriate books currently residing at the Idaho Falls Public Library, as well as many other libraries throughout the State of Idaho. Please see the below list of
"Sexually-Explicit/Inappropriate Books at the Idaho Falls Public Library
in Community and School Libraries" chart:
This ongoing effort will, ultimately, demonstrate, to our parents, grandparents, and other interested parties, those books throughout the entire southeast corridor of the State of Idaho, which are adjudged "pornographic", "sexually-explicit", and/or "inappropriate for minors".
Our Kids Deserve the Very Best
Under Section 18-1513, Idaho Code, current state law
"prohibits the promotion, distribution, or
dissemination of material harmful to minors."
However, schools, libraries, museums, and colleges/universities, and their employees, are EXEMPTED from criminal prosecution for disseminating material harmful to minors. This loophole is now regularly exploited, with dozens of schools and community libraries throughout the State taking advantage of this "free ride".

And, with the veto by the Governor of HB 314, "The Children's School and Library Protection Act", this statewide policy prohibiting schools and community libraries from distributing this harmful materials to minors is now halted.
In his veto letter to Speaker of the House,
Representative Moyle,
informing the Speaker of the veto,
Governor Little said,
"...I am also concerned that harmful content can be much more easily
accessible to youth in their phones and the Internet,
not at their libraries.
I encourage all Idahoans who have questions about any
library materials to become familiar with the local policies
of their duly elected library or school trustee board and
engage directly with the officials who oversee them."

With at least 53 "bad" books at the Idaho Falls Public Library, and 50 libraries in the State currently offering "obscene" books to the kids, at least approximately 2,650 "bad" books in the State's public libraries
would seem to be
reason for "concern"!
What did these Idaho legislators, who voted against the override of Governor Little's veto of HB 314,
say about this library bill?
See their opinion piece, together with PABB's and the parents' response:
So, we're taking your advice, Mr. Governor, and
"engaging directly with the officials who oversee
our library and/or school trustee boards."
And, when "they" come complaining,
which they are wont to do, about the mean,
and inappropriate, efforts being put forth by the
of this State, please go directly to the officials whom you recommend
we go, above, not to us parents, grandparents, and other people who are
the ones who are truly interested in the welfare of our children:
those who deserve only the best!